At Calvary we may be a church but we are much more than brick, wood, and metal. We’re a family of imperfect people, who have encountered the saving grace of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. By the power of the Holy Spirit we are working personally and communally for the glory of God and to build His Kingdom here on earth. Together we experience and explore what it means to follow Jesus and help others to do the same. We're striving to become the kind of church that the Holy Scriptures and faithful Christian tradition calls us to be. A Church where there’s relevant and true teaching, heartfelt and God focused worship, honest and deep friendships, loving encouragement to holiness, constant prayer, and compassionate care for those in need.
You belong here.
Our hope is that you feel right at home and become part of the Calvary family.
By God's Holy Word, the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and faithful Christian Tradition we strive to be a multi-generational, outreach oriented church, solid in preaching and vibrant in worship. Our mission is to connect ourselves and our community to real life in Christ.
We recieve the gifts and graces of God then use them for God's glory. We are a people empowered by God to spread the Gospel, build God's Kingdom, and better our community, our family, and ourselves.
We are God's family seeking God's abundant and eternal life.
Join in as we...
Love God
Love our neighbors
Make Disciples
Alpha Family Center of Lowell
Flat River Outreach Ministries (FROM)
Dr. Paul & Charlotte Mpindi
Mission French Africa Ministires
Jacob & Jennifer Tornga
International Association for Refugees